
I’ve been a biological syster to two women and a syster to many more women in life. Many sisters have bonds, but our bond is different. My systers are my baby daddies, they are my toughest critics, my best friends, my daughters and my mothers at times. When people started knowing us as just “the systers” it became evident to us that our bond was different, that it was cyclical not parallel. That we didn’t pass things off based on age or experience or wisdom. That our energies given from one to the other was like nature, that what one took the other two gave, that what one didn’t have the other two did. Synergy, the interaction of multiple elements in a system to produce an effect different from or greater than the sum of their individual effects. Synergistic systers. We saw that our relationship worked better as a whole, with each component in place. From my little syster’s crazy personality to my opinionated, bossy self (I will NOT ban bossy) to my older syster’s therapeutic yet controlling tempo.

It all worked together. We said it was the “Power of 3” and though we wish we had supernatural powers to go along with this “Charmed” nickname, we knew our bond was enough.

There is no “I” in syster…


Renewing relationships

how can writing heal, breathe, reflect, allow the reader & the writer to let go

Life of a Latina Phd Student

Balancing graduate school and family